ACN Presentation at Lenox Mall Apple Store

Posted by Brian Mortensen - Senior Consultant (technical perspective) on Fri,Jul 18, 2014 @ 11:01 AM

On Tuesday, July 15 BFA Technologies, Inc. had the pleasure to partner with the Apple Store Lenox business team to present the fundamentals of the Apple Consultant Network (ACN) and the basics of deploying mobile devices for businesses. BFA Technologies, Inc. was one of only two companies asked to present at for the Apple business team. Bob Garst of BFA and David Linton of Arobase Group were the two that presented on the topics. The unique opportunity for both Bob and David, who are members of the ACN, to present at the Apple Lenox store gave the attendees a glimpse at the possibilities of mobility in their businesses. 

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The discussion opened with David Linton talking about how the ACN members work with the Apple business teams, how members work with clients, and best practices for finding/vetting a new tech consultant. David gives the unique perspective of being in the ACN for over a decade and working with hundreds of clients. He talked about consulting practices that have been successful for his clients and what to expect from a member of the ACN. 

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Bob Garst’s presentation focused on mobile deployments. Bob briefly talked about some of the large and small mobile deployments implemented by BFA and then went into the different tools used to deploy mobile devices. Bob focused on the use of Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) and deploying through apple products like Apple Configurator, DEP, and Profile Manager. Bob shared his experience of being the largest ACN in Atlanta and being partnered with the two largest EMM companies, MobileIron and Airwatch. 


By the end, everyone in attendance had a better idea about how mobility could be used to help their company. They had heard of some of the ways that large and small companies had used phones and tablets to help their work force and knew where they could get help to initiate a mobile rollout for their companies. 

Topics: ipad, ios, apple, Lightspeed, POS, icloud, mac, iphone, Retail, Daylite, CRM, retail POS, macintosh