O Canada: Part I

Posted by Bob Garst - Owner (technical perspective) on Sun,Sep 23, 2012 @ 04:24 PM

downtown montrealThis week, Bob Garst and David Sheddan will be heading to Montreal for a three day "Boot Camp" for Lightspeed.  BFA Technologies, Inc. is a certified partner and reseller of Lightspeed point-of-sale (POS) software.

Although Lightspeed is headquartered in Montreal, this is the first ever Boot Camp being held there; and they are very excited...as are we.  To quote Lightspeed, "Boot Camp is 3 days of intensive, hands-on training on LightSpeed for Mac, LightSpeed for iPad, LightSpeed Mobile, eCommerce, and Multi-Store, covering everything from setup to best practices, troubleshooting, and more!  ....this camp will equip resellers to help stores reinvent their retail experience for the iGeneration!"Lightspeed boot camp logo

We look forward to leveraging the training and knowledge transfer at this event to better assist Atlanta and Georgia area retail clients in taking advantage of this leading edge technology.  And, oh yea, we'll be happy to share our Canadian experience with you as well!  If you'd like to know more about Lightspeed, we'd love to help you:  404-525-8199.

Lightspeed Retail Point of Sale (POS) - Bootcamp:



Topics: Lightspeed, POS